Sunday 29 November 2015

Working Conditions Pictures


  1. When did the working conditions for this particular class improve?

    1. Throughout the Industrial Revolution the average worker was slowly, but surely improving. It was really during the time after the Civil war had ended, and up until the Great Depression working conditions for this class had tremendously improved. Small new regulations are what helped improve the working conditions for the workers. Some regulations are, fencing off the machinery, hiring less children, as they were mainly hired to fit between the tightly packed machinery. These are just some of the many regulations factory workers have to obey in order to help lower the mortality rates, and to create a safer environment for this class.

  2. It was around 1874 when know workers were allowed to work more than 56.5 hours a week. This was one of their best advantages in the industrial revolution as it allowed them a lot more rest and less probability go getting hurt. It took around 5 acts to be passed before this came which included less hours for working.
