Wednesday 2 December 2015

Air Pollution

In this time period air pollution was a huge problem due to all the machines that were producing the coal. People thought in this time that if the machines were producing the products that everything was going to be fine. This wasn't the case. The more time spent in the factory lead to more infections and disease spread due to the toxic gasses. Sometimes this could cause death. People didn't care for the people that died though because they were to concerned about machines.


  1. Air pollution increased a lot due to machines. To what extent did it influence health care in the Industrial Revolution?

  2. At first factories were limited and only created pollution when working hours took place, but due too the abundant amount of resources that they were able to receive factories were able to stay on much longer causing the many problems. Pollution wasn't a big issue for the industrial revolution because people didn't know about the effects. Doctors were more concerned with diseases such as smallpox or typhus because they had visible effects.
